Little souls find their way to you, whether they’re from your womb or someone else’s.
-Sheryl Crow
Metairie Adoption Attorney
Under certain circumstances intra-family adoption by a biological family member, such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle, may be desirable. If the biological parents of a child are deceased and the child's grandparents or other biological family members want to assume the role of parents they may adopt the child. In other situations, biological family members may assume the role of parents when parents are declared unfit because of health issues, drug problems, or other issues that prevent them from providing care for the child or children.
When a child's parent remarries there are a variety of situations in which it is desirable for the stepparent to adopt the child or children, for example, if the other birth parent is no longer living. If the other birth parent is still living, the adoption may still proceed with or without his or her consent and relinquishment of all parental rights.
Under certain circumstances an adoption of an adult may be desired, such as for inheritance purposes. If the person seeking to adopt has a spouse, his or her spouse must agree to the adult adoption. Likewise, if the person seeking to be adopted has a spouse, his or her spouse must also consent to the adoption. However, under no circumstance may a person adopt his or her spouse.
Helping Families Realize Their Dreams Through Adoption
Families come in all shapes and sizes. At Samantha Weidner, Attorney & Counselor at Law, LLC, we understand that adoption is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. We want to assist you in realizing the dreams and goals for your family. Contact us today to discuss how to use adoption to create your version of a happy family.